
Jimi's Work as a producer for "'The Last Poets" has earned him the nickname "The Grandfather of Hip-Hop"in many artist based music circles!

The Last Poets are known as 1 of the first hip-hop & rap groups, after releasing their first album in 1968 The Harlem, New York Based Group links up with a producer with a studio in Manhattan, New York called "Electric Lady Studios" their producer by the name of Jimi Hendrix appears on this track with longtime friend and bandmate Buddy Miles! 
Jimi, Tupac, & Janis are the league leaders in release's after death! 

Seattle Music History: Leon Hendrix on Jimi Day 2010 in Seattle'Washing...

Seattle Music History:

Leon Hendrix on Jimi Day 2010 in Seattle'Washing...
: Leon Hendrix on Jimi Day 2010 in Seattle'Washington at Jimi Hendrix Park

This Just In From Seattle Music History