Here's a video/slide show i put together a while back of mostly pictures I took at various events around Seattle with Jimi Hendrix's Family, Fans, & Friends which all 3 of them basically make up "1" all in the name of Mr. Jimi! Some of our local freinds of music that you will see in this are Allan White the drummer of YES and John Lennons Band who donates countless time and knowledge to The Jimi Hendrix Music Academy Kids, Roger Fisher of This Years Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductees "HEART" of Seattle, Leon Hendrix of The Leon Hendrix Band
who is Jimi's kid brother of course, Randy Hansen another Seattle Rock & Roll Icon, Randy Piper of W.A.S.P. and more i just cant think of at the moment(sorry guys) and the well known named stars that shine in Seattle arent here at these events to stroke themselves or to promote themselves they are all here as "1" because of their love and affection for Mr. Jimi!!! #GoHawks
This Just In From Seattle Music History
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